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MMEA is on the Move - Message from the President

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

Dear MMEA Members,

We hope that you have had a restful and restorative summer. I am excited to begin my tenure as your next MMEA President! I want to thank Dr. Heather Cote for leading our organization through the pandemic and helping us think deeply about the future of MMEA. Many of our new initiatives you see below began under her leadership. Also, please welcome Jared Cassedy to the team as our amazing new President-Elect.

Last week our MMEA Executive Board participated in our first in-person retreat since 2019. We spent the morning in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access training with Roque Dias followed by an afternoon crafting the draft of our next three-year strategic plan. We also took a tour of the new conference location. Our board is activated and ready to move!

We have a lot of new information below!

Conference Updates

  • We are excited to announce that the Annual All-State Conference will be on March 21st and 22nd, 2024 at the DCU Convention Center and Hilton Garden Inn in Worcester, Massachusetts! This is a very large space that will accommodate our growing conference. Additionally, there are ample parking lots and garages around the DCU area.

  • The Conference Session Application is now open through October 15th at ​​

  • *New*There will be ZERO registration fee for accepted All-State Conference presenters!

  • *New* MMEA will assist with the transportation costs of workshop sessions that include student performers.

  • *New* MMEA is purchasing high-quality projectors and screens for all workshop locations. Presenters and conference committee members will no longer have to bring projectors to the conference.

Concert Updates

  • The All-State Concert Band, Choir, and Jazz Band conductors are announced on our website! We will soon announce the Orchestra conductor.

  • The All-State Handbook will be posted soon.

  • The high school All-State Ensembles will rehearse on Friday at Mechanics Hall, the Hilton Garden Inn, and the DCU Convention Center. The concert on Saturday will remain at Symphony Hall in Boston as outlined in the MMEA email sent out on April 27th, 2023.

  • MMEA is considering changing the Elementary Treble Chorus from an auditioned ensemble to one that is teacher-recommended. We will send out a survey to the membership in September for feedback on implementation. We plan on having the concert in Worcester on the Saturday of All-State. Since there are no conference sessions that day we are considering offering pd during the rehearsal for educator chaperones.

  • *New* 2025 Feasibility Working Group: MMEA is already planning for 2025 and wants your feedback on all aspects of the All-State Concert experience. Topics will include housing, one day vs. two days of rehearsals, concert location, amount of ensembles, amount of student participants, etc. We will analyze the MMEA line item budget along with All-State audition data. We will send out an all-call to the membership in September to join the working group along with the meeting dates. We must be finished with our recommendations by December so that we can work on contracts with venues since they tend to book up a year ahead of time.

Association Updates

  • MMEA is seeking a PDP Adjudicator. The stipend will be $5 per pd experience evaluated with a minimum pay of $500 for the year. MMEA will be providing pdp’s for reading and reflecting on the Mass Music Educators Journal articles, participation at the Music Program Leader events, and the Annual All-State Professional Development Conference. Applications are due by September 15th and are available at

  • The Awards Application is now open at and will close on December 31st.

  • MMEA made many bylaw changes two years ago with a sustainable enhancement that they must be updated every two years with a committee open to the entire membership chaired by the President-Elect. Jared Cassedy will be reaching out in September to form the new Bylaws Committee which will provide recommendations for consideration at the MMEA General Membership Meeting at the All-State Conference this March.


Anthony Beatrice

President, MMEA


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