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Professional Development

Professional Development Points (PDPs)

MMEA is a licensed PDP provider with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). For more information on pdp’s, please review the DESE website:  

Educators can earn pdp's through reflecting on MMEJ articles, All-State Conference sessions as well as All-State ensemble rehearsals.

MMEA PDP Evaluators

Katie Frigon

Maggie McKenna

Earning Professional Development Points at the Conference (Click Here for the Reflection Form Due April 12th, 2024)

The Massachusetts Music Educators Association is a registered professional development provider with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). We are excited to continue adding more value into your MMEA membership through providing professional development opportunities, such as the All-State Conference. In order to successfully receive PDPs from the All-State Conference, teachers must accumulate a minimum of 10 hours of sessions. If they participate in more than 10 hours of sessions, they will receive 1 additional PDP for each additional hour. They will need to submit a Google Form assignment for evaluation that will go live after the conference. If they participate in less than 10 hours of sessions, they will receive a certificate for "Professional Hours." Professional hours can be used to bundle with other professional development focusing on music that teachers attend in the future to make the 10-hour threshold required by DESE.

  • Observing the All-State ensemble rehearsals count towards professional development hours! Teachers may reflect on rehearsal observations.

  • The General Membership Meeting does not count for PDP's.

  • MMEA Professional Development Evaluators reserve the right to ask teachers to edit their submissions if reflections do not provide insights gained to improve practice and student learning outcomes.

  • MMEA Professional Development Evaluators will not keep copies of issued certificates. Teachers should make sure to download and print all certificates.

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